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patience. more things cumming soon.

in the meantime here is more about me...



What is the difference between Alex Cohen and Dominic Sen?

Alexandra Lily Cohen is a songwriter, producer & artist currently based in Brooklyn, NY.

Dominic Sen is the 7th and only surviving child of the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy called M64 (The Evil Eye Galaxy). Barely escaping their mother’s event horizon shortly after birth, Dominic traversed the void of intergalactic space to Earth where they fell in love with pop music, fandom, and the myth of stardom.

What pronouns does Dominic use?

She/Her or They/Them

Star Trek or Star Wars?

Okay, so, predictions for Episode IX then?

Rendemption. Stormtrooper uprising.

Dominic Sen’s alchemical element?


Fashion influences?

Sporty Spice, Chris, the Jedi, that picture of Britney and Justin at the 2001 American Music Awards, the Harry Frank Guggenheim Hall of Gems and Minerals (RIP)

Suggested reading to better understand Dominic?

Too Like The Lightning by Ada Palmer (Terra Ignota series)
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie (Imperial Radch trilogy)
Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee (Machineries of Empire trilogy)
The Black Tides of Heaven by Jy Yang (The Tensorate Series)

Alex Napping?

Let the past die.